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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 166
685 VOTE

All assignments, quizzes, and tests need to have the option to have them read to students

I have noticed in particular that when I assign adaptive practice to my students not all the problems can be read to the students. All assignments, tests, and quizzes need to have the option to have the problems and answers read to the students. A...
Shannon Franks 7 months ago in Realize / Assessment 4 Future Consideration
476 VOTE

Allow students and teachers to unsubmit and resubmit assignments

Students often realize they didn't complete a task. It would be nice for them to be able to unsubmit their assignment and resubmit after completing their task. This option would also allow students to correct mistakes to gain mastery of information.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 11 Future Consideration
332 VOTE

Add time student spent on each assignment

I would like to be able to see how much time a student used on an assignment to see if they really do not understand the content or they just rushed to finish the assignment and not receive consequences for missing assignments.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 5 Future Consideration
331 VOTE

Lock assessment to prevent students from going to another window or tab (cheating)

They need to be able to lock a quiz/assessment to prevent students from going to another browser (cheating).
Julie Earley about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 5 Future Consideration
279 VOTE

Allow for manual submission by teacher

Many students show up as in progress and we have zero access to be able to view their work. Once the deadline closes or we close the activity, those students are unable to receive a partial credit score for anything they did do and maybe forgot to...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 4 Future Consideration
252 VOTE

Randomize versions of the assessments directly in Realize without having to build various versions of an assessment

it would help teachers assign different versions of quizzes and assessments to different classes or groups of students for more security.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 2 Future Consideration
180 VOTE

Creating a modified version of the textbook for special education students.

It is important to make our special education students feel included and just like every other student. By creating a modified version of the textbook with general modifications it will allow students to have their own book without teachers making...
Guest 12 months ago in Realize / Program or Content / Realize Reader eText 2 Future Consideration
166 VOTE

Allow teachers to customize point value for assignments

My homework assignments usually count as two or three points, rather than 100 points. I have to convert the assignments in Google Classroom, and until I do they throw off student averages.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management / Customization 11 Future Consideration

Ability to edit Quizzes & Tests in Savvas Realize

We have students who are on modified curriculum that we would love to use the Savvas platform for quizzing, but are unable to modify the current questions so we are pulling the questions into a different program in order to allow this. If we were ...
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 1 Future Consideration
151 VOTE

Allow teachers to return anything that is graded to students - quizzes, assessments, adaptive pratice, etc.

In mathematices it is very important that students be given the ability to return any graded assignment to allow the student another chance after understanding has been developed. It would also be extrememly helpful for or students who are special...
Shannon Franks about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration