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Platform Enhancement Ideas

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Showing 166

Provide assessment tools on selection tests

When students are taking an selection test having the ability to highlight and strike out answers would be beneficial like the state standardized test that students do, including PSAT/SAT
Guest 4 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Provide Correct Answers

The students used to be able to see the correct answers to the problems they missed after they submitted the "test". This was under the build test option. I would like the students to be able to see the correct answers to the problems they missed ...
Nicole Lengacher 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

turn off the read-aloud option for assessments

Teachers don't want the read aloud for every question, it becomes distracting with kids playing it at different intervals with no way to turn it off. They would like the ability to turn it off wherever possible.
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Would like less things to click through when grading student notebooks and adding grades

ACTUAL RESULT: Customer has to go through multiple steps to review the student answers in the student notebook Enhancement: Have less steps in grading the notebook responses. Current: Have to click on multiple sections to open the student note boo...
Rod Scharr 11 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration

Assessment answers should not be case sensitive

I would like it to be case-insensitive, including at the beginning of the sentences. The case sensitivity in the answer is very frustrating.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

auto grading should recognize equivalent math formats ie 9234 is the same as 9.234E3 which is the same as 9.234x10^3

Many times the answer key format is different from the sample. the program should be smart enough to distinguish between equivalent numerical formats so a student is not marked wrong for a correct answer
keith peden about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Remove the read aloud buttons on the online assessments.

The read aloud buttons on the online tests are in the way and distracting. Can there be a way to remove them for all students or only have them for students that need them.
Guest 7 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

be able to delete assignments and reschedule

When I assigned a test and then our school was closed I could not unassign this test so that students would not complete it at home
Guest 7 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration

Ability to change number of attempts in Math XL.

It would be helpful for teachers to be able to adjust the number of attempts that students are able to do in Math XL. Many students have discovered that if they just keep trying the problem repeatedly, that eventually, the same problem will come u...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment / Program or Content 1 Future Consideration

Track standards data over the entire school year

We just noticed that we can only track standards progress for 180 CALENDAR days and not 180 SCHOOL days. Please remove weekends so that I can see my students' progress over the entire school year.
Kathy Michaels 10 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Future Consideration