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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 38 of 1625
616 VOTE

Allow teachers to lock tests so students can't access them outside of the hours assigned

Right now, even though you set a time frame for a test/activity...students are still able to access them outside of those hours. You have to assign the activity and then go to Google Classroom and remove students who are absent. Also, because of t...
Nettie Parks about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment / Assignment & Scoring Management / Integrations 8 In Development
191 VOTE

Editable tests with Google Doc formatting

Currently, the editable tests are compatible with Microsoft Word formatting. When opening as a google document, the formatting gets all messed up and the problems are all jumbled together making editing impossible. I'd like to see the editing of t...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment / Integrations 4 Under Review

Assignment creation needs to sync to Google Classroom topics & point values.

When we create an assignment for an Imported Google Classroom, it automatically sends it to the top of the Classwork Section. Then, we have to edit each assignment in each Google Classroom, in terms of point value, due dates, categories, etc. This...
Guest 7 months ago in Realize / Integrations 1 Needs Review

Organizing posts by Topics in Google Classroom.

Savvas Realize does not allow teachers to organize posts by Topic into Google Classroom. Currently, teachers have to edit each post if they are assigning and click the topics created in Google Classroom to organize posts. Example: Daily or Test or...
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Integrations 1 Needs Review

Better Google Classroom Intergation

Savvas is attached to Google Classroom. Assignments are posted to Google Classroom. the downside of this is that when I post an assessment, it is assigned to all students, even the ones absent. When a student is absent, I remove that student from ...
Valerie George 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment / Integrations 0 Needs Review

Create an option to put an assignment under an already created "Topic" when creating assignments in My Perspectives that get pushed out to Google Classroom

There is not an option to put an assignment under an already created "Topic" when creating assignments in My Perspectives that get pushed out to Google Classroom. We were guided to use SAVVAS Easybridge for our integration where kids access all th...
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Integrations 1 Needs Review

LTI Canvas Integration and Sections

Hello it would be so HELPFUL that with the LTI Canvas integration, that SAVVAS not just import the course, but the sections so teachers can sort through data according to section not a whole course. Realize Math does not sort by section; only the ...
Chrissie Masi 6 months ago in Realize / Integrations 0 Needs Review

Option to add x on Algebra tile

I would like the option to have a Algebra tile bar with the x visible on top of it. This would make it visually connected to the fact that it represents an x which I feel would help the student understand the concept better. On this note, having i...
Guest about 1 month ago in Realize / Integrations 0 Needs Review

Allow the ability to assign material to specific topics with in the classwork tab on Google Classroom

When assigning things from Savvas/Realize to Google Classroom, it would be helpful to be able to then also go the next step and allow the assignment to automatically be organized into the topics on the classwork tab.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management / Integrations 0 Under Review

Post to Google Classroom as a Material

When I post videos for my absent/remote students, I am unable to just post them on Google Classroom as a material. I have to post them as an assignment, which oftentimes accumulates in their work-tab on Google Classroom, if they forget to mark it ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Integrations 1 Future Consideration