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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 166

Notifications when an assignment is submitted late

Currently when a student submits an assignment past the due date, I do not get any alerts to know about the submission. It would be nice to receive some sort of alert/notification when something is submitted past the due date for grading purposes.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration

Make test editable to include test bank items and own questions.

IT would be great to have tests that can be a combination of both test bank questions and individually made questions in the platform.
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Interactive "click" button to show answers when displaying student workbook pages

ALSO, Have student workbook page display FULL SCREEN (not top savvas header), and include "click" button for answers to pop up. MCGRAW HILIL had this (our last book) and it was WONDERFUL!!!! A back and forth button for student/teacher pages.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Instruction Delivery 4 Future Consideration

Modify test questions by eliminating answer choices to questions

Realize: The teacher would like to escalate an enhancement request to modify test questions by eliminating answer choices to questions. instead of having four choices, they may have to only provide three or two based on the modification. The teach...
Rod Scharr 11 months ago in Realize / Customization 0 Future Consideration

My Library needs to be customizable

I need to be able to move my lessons in a diferent order than what they are in My Library. They appear in the order that I have put them in or last edited them. There is no drag and drop option. This was something the "salesman" said we could do, ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / User Interface and Navigation 1 Future Consideration

Update IP level when student take growth assessments

Currently the Beginning of year diagnostic is tied to SuccessMaker, but the mid-year and end of year growth diagnostics are not. It would be nice if the IP levels update for students in SuccessMaker based on how they do on the growth assessments.
Kali Mayamba about 1 year ago in SuccessMaker 3 Future Consideration

Allow data summary for all classes

Please consider adding a summary page for all classes. It would make things easier to manage standards if I could see all of my classes' achievements towards standards on one screen. Currently, I have to write it down and toggle between the differ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Future Consideration

Mass delete Realize Reader highlights, annotations, and notebook entries from teacher account

Teachers often use their Realize Reader etext for demonstration purposes, but want to clear the highlights, annotations, and notebook entries to start fresh for the next class, or for the next school year. Deleting one by one is time consuming. A ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Realize / Realize Reader eText 0 Future Consideration

Live class board

I would like a place to view the live progress of all my students with updates to the current questions they are on. Just to see the percent they are currently at is not super useful because I can not tell how many questions they have answered and...
Ashley Pierret 8 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Save a "Teacher Team" for playlist sharing

Currently, to share a playlist with multiple teachers you have to enter names one at a time. For our larger districts, there could be many teachers at each grade level, making it very time consuming to share. If teachers could create a group to sh...
Guest over 1 year ago in Realize / Customization  / Lesson Planning 1 Future Consideration