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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 166

Allow for test questions to be picked from multiple grade levels within the same test

Teachers in 8th grade need to be able to test over 6th, 7th and 8th grade content within the same test.
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Assessment 1 Future Consideration

Restart a Test - cleared answers

I would like an option to return an assessment/assignment where the previously marked answers are cleared so they can start fresh. Right now we can only return it with all their answers still marked.
Guest 11 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration

Make MathXL assignments printable

Students with limited wifi are unable to complete assignments out of class.
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

MathXL student data time on task, attempts

I have had a few teachers and administrators express frustration about not being able to see specific data on MathXL assignments with regards to time on the program, number of attempts, incorrect answers, etc. Students are sometimes clicking throu...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management / Program or Content 0 Future Consideration

Allow teachers to change class names without contacting administrator

Currently, teachers need to contact administrators if they want to change their class name. They should be able to do this on their own or add a "custom name" or "second name" as a secondary field.
Guest over 1 year ago in Realize / Rostering 1 Future Consideration

Adjust score for late credit

I would like to automatically adjust SAVVAS score for late submission. For example, I'd like to say "if student turns in assignment 8/1, give 100% credit. If a student turns in assignment 8/15, give 70% credit." So a student who scores a 90% accur...
Guest 8 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration

testing tools

Please add state testing tools to the online platform such as strikethrough and highlighting, so students can practice on the Unit tests throughout the year.
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration


I'd like to see the enrichment/remediation feature more user friendly. Currently, it is difficult to navigate and there's not a simple way for me to check progress for 100+ students. Using this program should allow unique opportunities for student...
Amanda Atkins about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Give teachers the ability to close assignments at different times for different students

I would love to be able to close an assignment for some students, but leave it open for others in the same hour. Sometimes I want to leave an assignment open for a student who had been absent, but I want to close it for everyone else who should ha...
Guest 12 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 1 Future Consideration

Return only the questions the students missed on tests

When a student scores below a 70%, we send the test back to them to try again. However, all the questions are returned. It would be best if only the questions that the student got incorrect were returned to them, or at least make a note on the tes...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration