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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 298

Feedback for parents about unit tests- areas where students didn't do well.

We need a way to calculate percentages by sections of the test to share with parents that is quick and easy to access. Right now teachers have to do it individually for each student on a separate paper- there is no way to print the child's test.
Guest 12 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Under Review

Teacher would like students to have more than one try on a question. Currently only says one try each when you click on customize.

Students could work the problem, try their answer and if incorrect re-work it and try a different answer. Would help them work through a missed question in real time and learn where they went wrong
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Student usage graph added courseware report

Rockwood School District teachers are asking for the student usage graph currently under the student tab to also be added to the courseware --> assignments --> view assignment page (see screenshot #2) for each student. Red highlighted graph:...
Guest 6 months ago in SuccessMaker 0 Under Review

Toggle between students on student tab

Rockwood School district teachers are asking for a toggle on the student's tab in SuccessMaker. Right now they go to students, view student (on right), then have to ext out of view student to see the next student.
Guest 6 months ago in SuccessMaker 0 Under Review

Student percentages by standard

It would be really helpful for me to be able to see student percentages on each standard after the Topic Test. This would allow me to track progress on each standard and replace a lower grade from a previous quiz/assessment over the same standard.
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Google Classroom Grade passback enhancement

Can the new grade passback to Google Classroom also be created for the Schoology integration? Currently, after importing Savvas assignments into Schoology the default point value is 100. Teachers have to remember to Edit the point value before ass...
Jason Collette over 1 year ago in Realize / Integrations 0 Under Review

Lock Tests and MathXL's that are assigned through Schoology

As of now, I have to completely unpublish an assignment or test that I assign through Schoology. To be able to lock it through Schoology would be great!
Marc Wakeley about 1 year ago in Realize / Integrations 0 Under Review

List Assignment Names in English and Spanish

Assignment names are listed only in Spanish. It would be helpful to have the names listed in English as well so I know what I'm assigning.
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Translations 0 Under Review

Use multiple grade level textbooks when building a test

When creating an assessment or practice assignment, I find the content I seek to use is available in multiple grade level textbooks. For example, while teaching 8th grade Pre-Algebra, I found excellent resources on the data cyle in the Algebra 2 t...
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Translation Tool for Beginning of the Year Test

The Beginning of the Year assessments lay the groundwork for teaching that years curriculum. Well the standards don't change because of language barriers, the translation tool is available for many other parts. Seems important to start where your at.
Gail Ashburn 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review