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Platform Enhancement Ideas

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Teacher Data and Reports

Showing 48 of 1323

Create printable parent/family-facing report on student data

A report that is family friendly that includes student data. Either test scores or standard report.
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 2 In Development

Batch Print Student Reports

There should be a way to batch print our student reports. It is time consuming and inefficient to only allow us to print out each students report individually. This is especially important for our diagnostics, as the current process with all 180 o...
Robert Criss 4 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Future Consideration

Assessment Printing

On the assessment data page, student analysis view, it shows each question in green, red or brown, when we export the data, which is AMAZING but when the information is exported it is numbers and there should be numbers, also with a color code sys...
Guest 3 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Needs Review

Grade book for each class/Assessment report for all students/ Ability to limit number of attempts.

I think it would be nice, and beneficial to have a page for all grades in one place for each class; including hidden assignments. When trying to look at grades on an assignment that has been hidden, it takes a lot of steps. It would also be nice t...
Guest 2 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 1 Needs Review

Add the ability to print completed online tests

We get this question in myST Chat all the time. Teachers need to be able to print out tests students completed online. They need to be able to add them to student's folders and/or for meetings.
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / Assessment / Teacher Data and Reports 1 Future Consideration

I'd like to pull up a list with all students and each assignment they have missing in one place.

Clicking through each individual student or assignment to see who is missing work is very tedious. I wish there were a page dedicated to seeing all missing assignments under each individual student. Example: John Doe is missing: 1-4 DQC 2-3 Practi...
Guest 2 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Needs Review

Teacher should be able to share students

When teachers share students, especially in a special education situation, they should be able to share those students easily and see the students data simultaneously for purposes of planning and supporting the student.
Kristin Massotto 3 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Under Review

Ability to print student assessments after completed

Students can see which questions they missed and have the ability to make corrections. This will be especially useful for students with IEPs.
Ashley Cantrell 7 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Needs Review

Assignment summary view for one student

As a teacher, I'd like to be able to download and print out an assignment summary for individual students - this would make it easier to communicate with parents.
Guest over 1 year ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management / Teacher Data and Reports 1 In Development

Make Envision data spreadsheet friendly

One area that is very frustrating is the data export for a standards progress report. I wish the exports were more spreadsheet friendly. The exported file contains cells that say, for example, "2 of 12." In order to color code this data in a sprea...
Guest 4 months ago in Realize / Teacher Data and Reports 0 Needs Review