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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 1278 of 1338

Jump audio to highlighted text

When reading a text, sometimes we want to re-read or skip some items. Is there a way to click on the text and make the audio player jump to that point in the text?
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / User Interface and Navigation 0 Needs Review

Boxlight App

We have Boxlight technology and would like to see a Realize app on the Boxlight
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Integrations 0 Needs Review

Planner to Sheets

Our school is specific about the lesson plan and the requirement is to be in Sheets with a GANAG format. Please find a link to the GANAG format below and in the attachment.
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Lesson Planning / Program or Content 0 Needs Review

Sample lessons for the Quests

It will help teachers efficiently teach the lessons.
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / Program or Content 1

Change the shading on graphs

Grade 6 Lesson 6-2 Additional Practice Book p.83. The circle graphs are printed in various shades of gray. It is very difficult to distinguish which shades of gray correspond to each of the sections of the circle graph. Suggestion: Use different p...
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / Program or Content 1

More Space Please- iLit45 Notebooks

How many characters do the graphic organizers take up in the Class Notes section of the student notebook? Once the graphic organizer is in there is not a lot of space to take notes or put numerous examples that students might need.
Erin Luedemann 10 months ago in Realize / Program or Content 1

Can we have a Spanish song for Matter, too.

For introducing Matter, there is a Hip Hop song for Matter. Can you please give us ideas what other songs we can use in Spanish for our Dual Program.
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Program or Content 0 Needs Review


The students dragged their Somewhat Unfair, or very unfair, or extremely unfair votes, but the tally should be available on the teacher's screen so the class can see the big picture, otherwise, the voting tool is useless. Also, "Fair" is not an op...
Guest 10 months ago in Realize 0 Needs Review

Google Classroom Grade passback enhancement

Can the new grade passback to Google Classroom also be created for the Schoology integration? Currently, after importing Savvas assignments into Schoology the default point value is 100. Teachers have to remember to Edit the point value before ass...
Jason Collette over 1 year ago in Realize / Integrations 0 Under Review

Adjust reading level

TCI programs have the ability to for students to toggle between grade level and a level or two lower for the textbook reading. The Savvas readings are well above the majority of my sophomore student's reading level.
Tambra Arnold 10 months ago in Realize / Realize Reader eText 0 Future Consideration