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Platform Enhancement Ideas

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Workspace SuccessMaker
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 7, 2024

I want to track how many minutes students have been using Success Maker each week

I could set the range for time. (weekly) But I just need to know how many minutes students are using Success Maker during that range. For example, their goal is to use the program 45 minutes a week.

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    Colin Schmidt
    Feb 20, 2024

    Hi Andrew,

    Thanks for reaching out! Wanted to make sure that you were aware of existing ways of tracking student usage in Successmaker.

    1. Session History Report - This will give you a student by student breakdown of student usage in a class, and you can set the time range for weekly. See yellow highlighted data in first attached screenshot.

    2. Students tab in the Teacher Dashboard - This will give you information on an individual student. See purple highlighted data in second attached screenshot.

    Please let us know if this was helpful or if you have more ideas on how to make SuccessMaker better! Thanks!