Replication Steps
1) Click on "Browse"
2) Click on "Miller & Levine Biology 2017"
3) Click on "Chapter 7 Cell Structure and Function"
4) Click on "Lesson 2 Cell Structures"
5) Click on "Cell Structure Editable Pres" and take note of the layout of the presentation "The layout structure looks more professional"
6) Exit back to the main program page and click on "Chapter 30 Digestive and Excretory Systems"
7) Click on "Lesson 3 The Digestive System"
8) Click on "The Digestive System Editable Pres"
9) It looks like inserts from the book and not as professional as Chapter 7's Editable Pres.
CURRENT: "The Digestive System Editable Pres" Under Lesson 3 within Chapter 30, does not look the same as "Cell Structure Editable Pres" within chapter 7. Lesson 2.
REQUEST: Requesting for "The Digestive System Editable Pres" to look the same as "Cell Structure Editable Pres"
BENEFIT: Aesthetics
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please see attached screenshot(s)
Salesforce Case #: 04388798
School & Org ID: West Boylston Middle High Sch 8a9480bd28df05e40128e40e0aa21321
District & Org ID:West Boylston School District 8a9480bc28dee8910128e40a83396882