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Platform Enhancement Ideas

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Status Under Review
Workspace Realize
Created by Rod Scharr
Created on Mar 21, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit REALIZE2-I-335 Give teachers the option to remove the try again option.

Enhancement Request - Realize - Autentico Level 1: Option for teacher to remove "Try again" button to keep students from using on remediation assignments Merged

Enhancement Request - Realize - Autentico Level 1: Option for teacher to remove "Try again" button to keep students from using on remediation assignments - Instead, students should have to submit assignments so that teacher can see their improvement.

enhancement request. The students are able to resubmit the assessments with improved grades without the teacher seeing where they improved.

Click Path/Replication Steps:

1. Log into with [Teacher - username: msheehan@holbrookpsd-ma]

2. browse for Autentico Level 1

3. select Capitulo 7B Que regalo

4. select vocabulario en uso

5. select Prueba with remediation: Capitulo 7B: Vocabulary Production

6. submit the assignment

Actual Result/Error Messages: try again is a button that can be selected to let students retake the assessment to improve their grade.

Expected Result: teacher does not want the students to have the option to try again after the assessment is submitted.

​Additional Information: This is only available for the remediation assessments, there is also remediation content that is listed that can be assigned to help with the assignment. In Google Classroom the assignment shows as being resubmitted in Realize it does not show it was resubmitted.

​Salesforce Case#: 04379317



Org ID: 8a9480be28df09d80128e426ec9a48ed