Realize - enhancement request, How can I assign practice buddy for all lessons across all topics without assigning each one individually? The teacher is looking for a quicker way of assigning content without doing it for each individual topic and without assigning all of the content for the topic.
Click Path/Replication Steps:
Log into with [Teacher- username: hsmithcarapazza@nyc]
1. Browse for enVision Mathematics 2020 Grade K
2.Select program
3.Select Topic
4.Select Lesson
5.Scroll to practice buddy
ACTUAL RESULT/Error Messages: option to assign is available for only that Practice Buddy.
EXPECTED RESULT: teacher is requesting a way to assign more than one Practice Buddy, different Topics, different Lessons, for the whole year.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Resolutions were sent with different ways of doing this in cases 04376318 and 04376323.
Salesforce Case#: 04376379
District Name and ORG ID: COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 28 ID: 8a97b09e3d96515d013fad81987a59c5
School Name and ORG ID: PS 196 GRAND CENTRAL PARKWAY ID: 8a97b09f3d965186013fad822a9a4fa4