Enhancement Request - Realize: enVisionmath2.0 Common Core Grade 5 2016: Teacher advising the assignment feature needs to work more like Google Classroom.
(Using Interactive Student Edition: Topic 1 Assessment in enVisionmath2.0 Common Core Grade 5 2016 as an example)
Using nat_teacher_math/Password1 test account to create steps.
Replication Steps:
01. Log into savvasrealize.com as a teacher nat_teacher_math/Password1
02. Click "Browse".
03. Click "enVisionmath2.0 Common Core Guide 5 2016".
04. Click "Topic 1: Understand Place Value".
05. Scroll down and click "End Topic".
06. Click "Interactive Student Edition: Topic 1 Assessment".
07. Click "Assign".
08. Supply start and end date and select class by clicking "Add" next to the name of the class.
09. Once class name loads at the top right, create a drop down menu with the option to select "All students" or select/deselect the students who should or should not get the assignment.
This should be done with all students selected as the default.
10. Then click "Assign"
ACTUAL RESULT: In order to exclude one or two students from the assignment, the teacher has to select every other student rather than excluding the ones that should not get the assignment.
EXPECTED RESULT: Teacher wants to an easier way to exclude students from assignments.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Their comparison was to Google Classroom so the suggested steps are inspired by a look at creating assignments in Google Classroom.