Enhancement Request - Realize: American History myWorld Interactive Middle Grades: Unable to access answer key without downloading
Using test account (nat_teacher_socialstudies/Password1) to replicate issue.
Replication Steps:
1. Log into savvasrealize.com as a teacher nat_teacher_socialstudies/Password1
2. Click "Browse".
3. Search and click "American History: myWorld Interactive Middle Grades".
4. Scroll down and click "Progress-Monitoring Assessments: American History: myWorld Interactive".
5. Click "Teacher Resources".
6. Click "End of Course 1 Answer Key".
ACTUAL RESULT: "Couldn't preview file. You may be offline or with limited connectivity. Try downloading instead". Screenshot has been provided customer and was replicated using test account.
EXPECTED RESULT: User expects to be able to access answer key from Realize directly.
When I tried to replicate this, the Answer Key showed fine
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Customer advised that downloading took 5-7 minutes but I could not replicate that when saving on Google Drive.
See attached Screenshot "Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 11.12.16 AM.PNG"
Salesforce Case: 04373091
District: Realize INTERNAL K12 District
School name: Realize INTERNAL K12 Social Studies and Art & Music School
Org ID: 8a97b09a3d962323013eec79ebf975f6
Product: American History myWorld Interactive Middle Grades
Teacher: Marisa Nave/marisa.nave
Thank you for submitting your feedback! This sounds like a technical issue rather than an enhancement request, so I'm going to close it out for now. If you continue to have issues downloading, please reach out to technical support.