Access using impersonation of User: mcollinsworth@sr7sd-mo[ ffffffff62ed5812ff486b2108dd038c ]
1) Click on "Lesson 5 eText: The Middle Ages in Europe (LMS graded)" under Class "7th Social Studies-Collinsworth (LMS)".
2) Click on 3 Dot Menu and Click "Edit"
Result: No way to change Scoring Point Values for Assignment.
Requested Result: Teachers have ability to change point values while an assignment is still in progress.
Benefit: Teachers convenience would be enhanced, providing ability to make adjustments while Students were completing work or without having to re-establish entire Assignment.
Salesforce Case: 04372335
Addtional Info: See Screenshot(s)
School & Org ID: SENECA JR. HIGH SCHOOL ID: 8a9480bd28df05e40128e40e8baf186c
District & Org ID: SENECA SCHOOL DISTRICT R7 ID: 8a9480bd28df05e40128e3fb96b73e01