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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Status Future Consideration
Workspace Realize
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 17, 2024

Administrator is looking for a way to print the Student Usage by Program report

1) Click on "View Reports"

2) Click on "Realize Reports"

3) Realize Reports opens in new tab

4) Click on "Reports"

5) Click on "Student Usage by Programs"

6) Set filter for last year

7) Click "Run"

CURRENT: There is no way to print the report in a clear format. When printed the page is cut off at the "Teacher" column. Current the only available option is to send the report by email, file transfer protocol (FTP), or Google Drive.

REQUEST: Customer would like to have an option to print the report.

BENEFIT: Printing the report would make it easier to send to other administrators.


- Customer attempted to have the report mailed to herself. She received the email and the report was attached encrypted. When the customer clicked the link to request access to the file she did not receive a response.

Salesforce Case #: 04370155

School & Org ID: Hazlehurst Elementary School (ID: 8a9480bc28dee8910128e43b173f4776)

District & Org ID: HAZLEHURST CITY SCH DISTRICT (ID: 8a9480be28df09d80128e3f9d153295f)

  • Attach files