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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Status Future Consideration
Workspace Realize
Created by Christie Safin
Created on Feb 14, 2024

Be able to return student work in bulk

When viewing the students who have turned in an assignment, have a checkbox next to each student with a return button at the top of the list to be able to select multiple students at one time to return assignments to instead of clicking each student one at a time and having to click "return" on every single student.

  • Attach files

Return Multiple Assignments/Quizzes Without the Page Refreshing Each Time

When viewing a quiz, stop making it refresh the entire page when returning student work. It's a hassle when you have to click on a single student, return the work, and wait for the whole page to reload so you can do the same thing for another stud...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize 0 Future Consideration

Make returning tests to students available for an entire class and not just per student.

Currently, we can return a student's test for corrections one student at a time. The enhancement should allow for a group of students or the entire class of students to receive their tests back at one time. This process is laborious for one studen...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration

Batch return lesson quizzes for students

Rather than return individual lesson quizzes for students to corrections, it would be nice to return a batch of quizzes from students.
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Future Consideration

Return all student assessments at once instead of one-by-one

It takes way too much time to return assessments and end-of-lesson quizzes to students one-by-one... it would be much more efficient to be able to return "all completed" assessments and quizzes at once.
Guest 6 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Future Consideration