Log into [Savvas website URL in question] with [Teacher- amy.mayo]
1) Click on Browse
2) Click on MyWorld Social Studies Building Our Nation Texas Grade 5
3) click on Chapter 6: A New Nation
4) Click on Chapter Test A: A New Nation
5) Click on Assign to class
6) no where to assign read to students
Click on browse as student
1) click on class
2) click on assingment Chapter Test A: A New Nation
3) shows listen when opening test but does not have an avenue for test to be read and answer choices to be read to students
CURRENT: does not read test questions and answers to students
REQUEST: to read test questions and answer choices to students
BENEFIT: IEP and students with dyslexia will still be able to participate in classroom work
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please see attached screenshot(s) They are currecntly using a chrome extension to read what is one the screen but it only reads the test question and not the answer choices
Salesforce Case #: 04367985
School & Org ID: 8a9480bd28df05e40128e43eb3437436 / BLANCO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
District & Org ID: 8a9480bd28df05e40128e403c3b81473 / BLANCO IND SCHOOL DISTRICT