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Platform Enhancement Ideas

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Showing 298

Create tests with question bank questions and my own questions

I would like a function where I could select to create a grade-able test where I can choose from a test question bank AND have the option to create a question within the program. (learned I could do this in creating a playlist)
Guest 8 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Allow teacher to choose whether students can see the correct answer

Teachers should have the choice to turn on/off an option for students to see what the correct answer is when they view their score so they can learn from their mistakes.
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Under Review

Allow students to self-monitor growth on SuccessMaker

Add more in-depth information for students beyond the brief summary they get when they finish a session. Currently they only see the number of questions correct/attempted as well as their percent. My students would also like to be able to monitor ...
Guest about 1 year ago in SuccessMaker 2 Under Review

Printable Version of Online Topic Assessments

It would be highly beneficial having a printable test similar to the format of the printed version of the topic assessments. I want a printable version of the digital assessment so students can easily transfer their answers from paper to digital f...
Kelly McGinnis 6 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Make drawing tools available for teacher

There should be a set of tools always available to the teacher for teaching in front of class. This could include things like a timer, a pen tool where they can write over whatever they're displaying, celebratory animations (like confetti), some g...
Guest over 1 year ago in Realize / Instruction Delivery / User Interface and Navigation 2 Under Review

Add an answer key for the textbook please!

Right now the only way I can show the answers to the textbook problems is to open the digital TE edition or use the TE book edition. This format is not friendly for students. I want to be able to only open up a pdf of the answers to the problems w...
Guest about 1 year ago in Realize / Program or Content 1 Under Review

When questions are removed from an online version make a copy of the paper version that matches.

When teachers go in to change the online assessments we would like a paper version made as well, so teachers can print a paper copy that kids can work on while working on the computer. This will prevent teachers from having to go back into the edi...
Darlene Gannon about 1 year ago in Realize / Assessment / Customization 0 Under Review

Adding students to an assignment

When assigning a class to a test, add all names so you can "x" out individuals who are taking another version of the test so they are not assigned both versions.
Guest 7 months ago in Realize / Assignment & Scoring Management 1 Under Review

Extend the word limit for essays

Currently the word limit for essays is at 1200. There are instances where students need to shorten or cut out parts of their work to meet this criteria. Please extend the word limit for essays to be above 1200
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Program or Content 0 Under Review

in "Build a Test" allow teachers to see DOK level on each question

We want to be able to customize online assessments without cutting out all of the rigor in the higher DOK questions
danielle dillion 9 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review