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Platform Enhancement Ideas

This is a space for teachers and administrators to submit new Realize and SuccessMaker feature ideas directly to the Savvas Realize Development team! Create your own ideas, vote or comment on ideas you agree with, and receive status updates.

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Showing 70

Take the ability to submit assessment without answering away

Students are able to turn in a quiz without answering all questions. We would like to take away that function so students have to answer everything
Guest 7 months ago in Realize / Assessment 1 Under Review

Give teachers the option to set a late submission penalty

When students submit exercises late, an automatic penalty of percentage pts should be deducted! (Savvas Realize Autentico)
Bolívar Vivanco 10 months ago in Realize / Assessment / Assignment & Scoring Management 0 Under Review

Download PDF of customized online assessments

customized online progress checks should be available for quick download as pdf
Guest 9 months ago in Realize / Assessment / Customization 0 Under Review

Make it easier to search test bank question

Please make it easier to search the test bank. I couldn't easily find questions that dealt with rigid shifts. It took a good 10 minutes of searching before finding anything that could be used because some words came up with 0 results when I search...
Guest 10 months ago in Realize / Assessment / Search and Browse 1 Under Review

Make it possible to make a copy of an already customized copy test/assignment

This would be useful to be able to have multiple versions of a test or assignment.
Christie Safin 9 months ago in Realize / Assessment / Customization 0 Under Review

Create tests with question bank questions and my own questions

I would like a function where I could select to create a grade-able test where I can choose from a test question bank AND have the option to create a question within the program. (learned I could do this in creating a playlist)
Guest 5 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Have a pool of questions for each standard on a topic test so that multiple versions could be made.

Having a bank of questions for each standard in a topic assessment would allow for multiple versions of a test. This is important for students who have to retake a test so they don't get the exact same question, but the same standard being tested....
Guest 4 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Allow teachers to rescore a test.

I recently gave an assessment where I realized I had added two repeat questions. I deleted them from the test, but I was not able to rescore the students who had already taken the test.
Shae Ford 3 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Please make a larger font for online assessments and quick checks (K-1).

Little learners find the small font to be harder to read.
Corinna Woita 4 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review

Allow students to submit voice recordings

Include a recording option to allow students to give their explanation orally.
Guest 4 months ago in Realize / Assessment 0 Under Review